Customer Testimonials

What Health is Wealth customers are saying

I am so pleased with the results I have gotten from my Hair Follicle Analysis. It literally only took a few minutes to do and in 15 minutes I had a complete report explaining what my body was needing help with in order to optimize my health. The personalized Optimize Wellness Nutritional Report was crucial to getting my health back on track. It laid out the results in a simple manner that was very easy to understand. I like that it breaks down the results by Vitamins, Minerals, Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, Amino Acids and even told me about the environmental challenges my body was facing. I live a very healthy lifestyle, but in the world we now live in, my body struggles to process the toxins I breathe and ingest and this report is a critical tool in helping me to stay healthy. I received a 90 day optimize plan which listed all the foods I needed to eliminate for 90 days but also which foods or supplements I needed to increase and on which day I needed to introduce them to my diet. It really couldn't get any easier! After doing the analysis twice, I feel like I have more energy, my menopausal symptoms have decreased and my sleep has definitely improved! Shelley is very knowledgeable and takes the time to go over the report with me to ensure I understand it. I highly recommend that everyone invest in their health by doing this analysis 4 times a year. Your body will thank you!

Connie Cyr, Nanaimo

I highly recommend Cell Wellbeing/Optimize Wellness Plan to anyone that is curious about their health and about where they are lacking nutritionally. I have learnt so much about the Nutritional plan and what my body needs. Health really is Wealth. Shelley was very helpful, and spent the extra time to go over all 34 pages for my report. It was well worth every penny. I’ve made a couple changes to my diet and added some vitamins supplements that was recommended and I’ve never felt better.

Lori Helem, Nanaimo

Good Morning, I am writing this testimonial this morning, a very good morning, as I have had such success with my recent visit to see Shelley LaCharite to have a hair analysis done and a wellness plan supplied. I have followed the well put together guide and noticed changes in my first month. Being about 4 months into this my energy and overall well being has improved so much. I will return for another easy test to see if I need any changes. This is definitely one of the best successes I have had since my diagnosis with rheumatoid arthritis. My inflammation, my mood and my general health report is the best its been. I would like to recommend this to anyone. Thanks to my friend Ann for giving me Shelley LaCharite's info and not only optimizing my health, but adding a great friend to my life.

Carolyn James, Courtenay

At last I have found someone who has the knowledge and technology to determine the causes of health issues. All this time I thought I had a sensitive stomach due to having a number of bouts of food poisoning as it turns out it’s eating the wrong foods and a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. I am finally able to understand the causes of my problems, I have improved my diet and take the recommended supplements. I feel great and my sleep has improved.

J. Martin, Nanaimo

I was completely blown away by the depth of my report! It was able to pick up on propane in my DNA from using our camping stove! I cut out the recommended food items... feel way more energetic and have no bloating, gas or bags under my eyes anymore. After taking a few of the recommended supplements my energy levels are constantly improving and my mental focus is better then ever! What really blew me away with this report is how you could literally see every area of your body and how it is doing, minerals vitamins, hormones.. for an in depth report personalized to your body and a plan to bring it back to amazing health this is something I would recommend for everyone!

E. Cordery, Nanaimo

I want to thank Shelley for introducing me to The Cell-Wellbeing 90-day Optimize Wellness Report. It gave me insight and direction to questions I never thought to ask or inquire about. The reports directions were clear and incredibly accurate for me. Easy to follow and so quick. I have yet to do a follow up to see what changes have happened in my cells. Following the reports directions have made me feel Better. I look forward to my next report.

C. Stoll, Nanaimo

I was introduced to Shelley by a health-care practitioner to check out the cell-wellbeing. While managing the dispensary at Cline Medical for 18 ½ years I found out that the patients who had a hair analysis done for heavy metal toxicity was not the most accurate way, so when I saw that cell-wellbeing took a couple of hair follicles for this testing I was a little apprehensive. BUT, when the report was printed boy was I convinced that Shelley knew what she was doing. The report is very impressive. It will give suggestions for supplements and food for your specific issues. My report under the environmental challenge indicators showed up big and red for radiation. WHAT??? It was absolutely correct because just 2 days previously I had a CT scan done on my sinuses. The report gave me suggestions for supplements and food to help me dispose of the radiation. I have suggested Shelley and her cell-wellbeing program to some of my clients. I’ll be going back for the 90 day reports.

M. Ross, Nanaimo

Optimum health IS within your reach. Book your appointment today.